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WPM is a Federally Registered 100% Indigenous Prime Contractor in the Oil & Gas industry


From conception to reclamation

Utilizing our technical expertise, our senior personnel have the proven ability to explore for oil and gas in difficult areas or enhance production from older, more mature fields.

Alberta Site Rehabilitation Program (SRP)

Western Petroleum Management is a 100% federally recognized Indigenous Oil & Gas prime contractor since 2005.

Wellbore Abandonments

We can identify wellbores to be abandoned & prepare abandonment programs & AFE as well as manage all aspects of onsite wellbore abandonment. Full turnkey abandonment service is available


We can prepare applications & plan and the execution of the field work

Facilities Abandonment

We can take care of decommissioning of all onsite facilities and/or the removal, marketing and sale of used equipment

Liability Management Ratio (LMR)

We can supply financing to abandon wellbores, and reduce liability & increase asset value as well as propose wellbore & facilities abandonment programs


The Western Petroleum Management Team is:

  • a comprehensive multidisciplinary team of Petroleum Industry professionals.  The majority of our team members have in excess of 25 years of experience in many facets of the oil and gas Industry
  • most have worked together as a group, or with several individuals for over 15 years in both private and public companies and have established a record of success.
  • the team has been instrumental in finding and developing exploration properties utilizing an integrated approach
  • our engineering and operations group has a proven track record in the optimization of mature fields
SRP applications in Period 1, 3 & 4
1 of0
contractors to work for OWA for well decommissioning
wells abandoned in the last 3 months


WPM has always innovated in the way it delivers its services and has pushed the industry with its innovations.

WPM’s Well Alert
WPM’s Tap App
WPM’s Rod & Pump Jar Tool


Hydrocarbon Recovery Technology

Enhanced Flowback Technology

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